Our new #FutureCommunities podcast is here

Co-operation is at the heart of everything we do at the Co-op Foundation. It’s why we strive to be a different kind of funder; one that listens and learns, and one that shares that learning, too.
It is with this in mind that we start 2023 by reflecting on everything we discovered during the creation of our ‘Building communities of the future together’ strategy.
And for the first time ever, we’re going to share this through a podcast.
Check us out today! Our #FutureCommunities podcast will be just as good at home, in the office or on the go. Learn from our mistakes and maybe take away a few of our wins, too.
Let’s build communities of the future together.
PS. Thank you to the brilliant Reform Radio for their help recording and editing these podcasts. Read more about their work supporting young creatives in Manchester.
Episode 1/3 – co-operatively developing our strategy
Speakers: Nick Crofts (CEO), Jamie Ward-Smith (Chair) and Matt Jackson (Impact Works third sector consultant)
Content: Our expert speakers guide us through the process of developing a strategy collaboratively with colleagues, funders, young people and the Co-op. Find out what went well, and which part of the process was most difficult. At the end, we talk you through our final strategy in more detail.
Episode 2/3 – co-creating a vision with young people
Speakers: Andy Mortimer (Head of Comms), Dr Asimina Vergou (Head of Learning & Impact) and Claire Muhlawako Madzura (from our youth focus group)
Content: Almost 100 diverse young people helped to create the Future Communities Vision that forms the bedrock of our new ‘Building communities of the future together’ strategy. They’ll inherit the communities we want to create, so it’s only fair they get to shape the work we do, too. In this #FutureCommunities podcast, we discuss how this research phase worked, and what we learned on the way.
Episode 3/3 – a radical new way of funding
Speakers: Nick Crofts (CEO), Louise Snelders (Head of Funding & Partnerships) and Dr Asimina Vergou (Head of Learning & Impact)
Content: In our third #FutureCommunities podcast, we talk about how our communities and partners helped us shape a radically new style of unrestricted, trusting and long-term funding with co-operation at its heart.
Listen below or check out all three podcasts on our Anchor channel.