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Young Scot puts young people at the forefront of combatting loneliness

Young people in Scotland will be taking a local, national and digital approach to tackling loneliness for their peers, thanks to a £105,000 Co-op Foundation grant for Young Scot.

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Co-op’s Chief Commercial Officer joins our Board of Trustees

We’ve welcomed Michael Fletcher as our newest Trustee.

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‘No surprise’ young people most affected by lockdown loneliness, says Co-op Foundation CEO

Young people are more likely to say their well-being has been affected by the coronavirus through feeling lonely in the last seven days, according to new research.

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Looking out for friends when they need it most

New research from Co-op Foundation shows a year of lockdowns have encouraged young people to reach out and show others they care.

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We’re looking for local young people to join our advisory group

Co-op Foundation is calling on young people aged 13 to 25 from the North West to apply to join its Youth Advisory Group.

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Co-op Foundation awards £400k to keep communities connected

We’ve awarded £400k to organisations to help them continue to build connections and tackle isolation and loneliness in the community.

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New guide being created to help charities recruit Black and Asian trustees, thanks to Co-op Foundation grant
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We’ve awarded funding to help a nationwide campaign increase the racial diversity of charity trustees.

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Co-op Foundation awards £1.8m to empower young people

Co-op Foundation has awarded the largest amount of funding from its #iwill Fund to date.

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New CEO starts at the Co-op Foundation

The Co-op Foundation, welcomes lifelong co-operator Nick Crofts as its new CEO.

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New Leader to join Co-op Foundation from January 2021

Long term co-operative advocate, activist and charity leader, Nick Crofts, will join the Co-op Foundation as our new Chief Executive from January 2021.

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Pull your (yellow) socks up and show lonely young people you’re standing with them

Lonely Not Alone is backing and asking you to wear yellow socks and post an Outfit of the Day

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We’re part of the Tackling Loneliness Network

We’ll be sharing insight from our Belong partners who are finding ways to beat youth loneliness during lockdown.

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Young people tackling loneliness in lockdown and beyond

Thursday 16 April 2020 Young people from across England are joining forces this week on the digital conferencing app Zoom to build on a campaign that will help break down the stigma of youth loneliness.  The group of 13 to 25-year olds, most of whom have never met before, are spending five days in online workshops and digital…

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Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme and grants from public funding

How the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme could affect Co-op Foundation partners.

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Covid-19 – still standing with the sector

We want to support our partners experiencing difficulties due to coronavirus. That’s why we’ve subscribed to a statement by London Funders on behalf of grant-making organisations across the UK.

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